Is the Fuji XT1 Any Good in 2024?

Years ago I had leant out a Fuji XT1 that I got second hand at a garage sale to someone and promptly forgot it existed. So it was a huge surprise to me when they returned it last month and I had a brand new (to me) camera sitting in front of me.

It was released in 2014, has a 16 megapixel aps-c sensor and is a pretty long way away from the newer Fuji cameras in terms of film simulations and autofocus capabilities.

Either way I decided to test it out and do some street photography here in Bangkok with a basic 16-50mm kit lens, which was the only x-mount lens that I currently have.

The results are pretty positive. The autofocus while slow was manageable just don’t expect it to be the same as a current camera. My biggest surprise was the latitude of the raw files. I was able to save a lot of overexposed highlights and bring up shadows in Lightroom.

I would never trust a camera of this age on a professional shoot as my only camera and 16mp can be a bit limiting but if this was a fun camera for personal projects I 100% recommend it even now 10 years after it was first released.


Siam Bangkok. A walk.